Lose Weight and Get Fit – Have Faith in Yourself and Achieve Your Health and Fitness Goals

We need to talk about those health and fitness promises we make to ourselves. We all make them, many of us in the beginning of the year or before ‘beach’ season. Yet in the end most people have tossed their resolution to the side, it has been abandoned for one reason or another. Although it may have been abandoned, I’ll bet it is still fresh enough to have not been forgotten. Inside you are still wishing that you were on your way to accomplishing those fitness goals that you set out to achieve, aren’t you? Probably, you are hoping to get back on track.What if I told you that ‘wishing’ and ‘hoping’ are part of the problem? In my business I often hear people say that they ‘wish’ they were in better shape, or that ‘hopefully’ they will lose some weight. These are passive words, they don’t get you anywhere and wishing and hoping have no place in goal setting. Does that sound harsh? Sorry, but it is true. To wish or hope for something implies that no action will be applied to the cause; wishing and hoping are just thoughts that take place in your mind.When it comes to health and fitness goals, action is what is needed. Instead of wishing for things to be different, make a plan for action and have faith that it will work, really believe it.Let’s think about it, if we have some weight to lose, for example, we know that we need to move more and eat less and we know that works, undoubtedly, every time. You can have faith in that, you do your part and you will be rewarded. But idly standing by and wishing for weight loss when you aren’t working out like you should and you aren’t eating like you should gets you nowhere. So that is why I like to have faith, instead of hope, because you have faith in what you are doing, faith requires you to do your part.I don’t like the whole new years resolution thing; it is an artificial motivator. Those of you who have made and broke these resolutions over and over again know what I mean. Each time it happens, I think you have less chance of wanting to try again. You feel it is a losing battle because it never sticks and with each time, you feel more and more like a failure.Listen, you never know when the time will come for everything to ‘click’ for you. Past performance does not have to be indicative of the future. Shift your perspective; make your plan (and be sure to make it a workable plan) and just start, that’s it, just start. Have faith that if you workout, for example, four times a week and make healthy dietary changes that it will work. Dig down deep within yourself and find that place, acknowledge that urge that you have to improve your health and fitness level.I guess I’m suggesting some mental exercise here because it is our mind that controls how we feel and react to what we are doing. Your mind can tell you that you can’t or your mind can tell you that you can. The choice is yours. So right now, today, make a workable plan and follow it, believe in it and just do it, cast away your doubts; do more than just wish and make it happen. It’s up to you, only you can decide to do it, why not today?